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Wägebereich 30 kg

Präzisionswaagen mit einem Wägebereich von max. 30 kg

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KERN & SOHN KERN PES 15000-1M Präzisionswaage 0,1 g

Adjusting program (CAL): For quick setting of the balance's accuracy. External adjusting weight required.Data interface RS-232: To connect the balance to a printer, PC or networkGLP/ISO log: with weight, date and time. Only with KERN printers, see AccessoriesPiece counting: Reference quantities selectable. Display can be switched from piece to weight.Recipe level A: Separate memory for the weight of the tare container and the recipe ingredients (net total).Percentage determination: Displays the deviation from the reference weight (100%) in % instead of grams.Weighing units: Can be switched to e.g. nonmetric units at the touch of a key. See balance model.Weighing with tolerance range: Upper and lower limiting can be programmed individually, e. g. sorting and portioning.Suspended weighing: load support with hook on the underside of the balance.Mains adapter: 230V/50Hz in standard version for Germany. On request GB or USA version.Tuning fork principle: A resonating body (like a tuning fork) is electromagnetically excited, causing it to oscillate. The measured value is calculated via the change in frequency correspon

Robuste Labor- und Industrie-Präzisionswaage für schweres Wägegut


Wägebereich [Max] 15000 g
Ablesbarkeit [d] 0,1 g
Linearität ± 0,2 g
Reproduzierbarkeit 0,1 g
Einschwingzeit 3 s
USP Mindesteinwaage (k = 2, U = 0.1%) 200 g
Schnittstellen RS-232 serienmäßig, Digital I/O (optional, factory)
Justiermöglichkeiten Justierung mit externem Gewicht
Empfohlenes Justiergewicht 10 kg (F1); 5 kg (F1)
Umgebungstemperaturbereich 10 °C – 30 °C
Abmessungen Wägefläche (B×T) 200×200 mm
Material Gehäuse Aluguss
Abmessungen Gehäuse (B×T×H) 220×333×93 mm
Material Wägeplatte Edelstahl
Nettogewicht ca. 4,4 kg
1.642,20 €